Every morning, we make our own orange juice.
It’s sort of become our ritual. After drinking fresh squeezed orange juice, commercial OJ was just never the same. I’m sure most of us has had fresh squeezed orange juice, so you probably know what I’m talking about. The juice come out sweeter, brighter, and so much tastier! While bottled OJ still contains it’s famous vitamin C, the pasteurization process kills some of the other beneficial vitamins and nutrients that fresh orange juice boasts. Bottled OJ can also be kinda soupy which weirds me out.
After buying our Breville, we had to find a different way to concoct our morning beverage. Contrary to belief, you can’t just throw an whole orange into the juicer and expect juice. You have to peel it before you can juice it.
Peeling an orange was very difficult for me the first time I did it. I know it sounds funny, but it was just so odd to use a potato peeler on an orange! Well, when you are done peeling your oranges, you should end up with this….

The type of peeler shown in front is the best kind that I have used. Some can be difficult to work with.. you just have to find one that works for you..
You might get weirded out because the “white” or pith is still on the orange. Don’t worry! It doesn’t affect the taste whatsoever. In fact, the pith has almost as much vitamin C as the flesh itself. Not only that, it’s a fantastic source of fiber, pectin, and bioflavonoids (an antioxidant). YAY!
Next step is to throw the oranges in the juicer!
What comes out is a delicious frothy creamy pale orange smoothie-like liquid. SO yummy! Separation is natural so just give it a couple stirs and you’re ready to go!
A new recipe that we have thrown in our repertoire is what I like to call the Rainbow Sherbet. You peel your oranges as you would making a plain orange juice. Then add some washed strawberries (stem and all) and some chunks of prepared pineapple! This is one of my favorite drinks in the morning! The pineapple should be used minimally as it could make the juice unbearable sweet. Just a touch of it is nice but not necessary!
A good rule of thumb is to get really fresh firm oranges. I like to leave them in the fridge so they hold their firmness.
Give juicing your oranges this way a try! You might never buy commercial orange juice again. 😉
Happy Juicing!
Yum, those pictures are giving me spring fever. I can’t wait until fresh fruit is in season. I love fresh squeezed juice. I add 2-3 raw farm fresh eggs to mine. Delicious!
Thanks arealfoodlover! I love your blog! Our methods are actually very similar. I hate buying commercial items and if there’s a way to make something from scratch… well I’m on it! I’ll have to try the eggs with the juice. Our chickens are just starting to produce again. 🙂